Category: Uncategorised

  • How T’ai Chi can help us with creative problem solving skills

    How T’ai Chi can help us with creative problem solving skills

    T’ai Chi emerges as a transformative practice, not only fostering physical and mental well-being but also igniting the flames of creative problem-solving: In essence, T’ai Chi emerges not only as a sanctuary for self-discovery but also as a fertile ground for cultivating innovative solutions to life’s myriad puzzles. Through its practice, we awaken the dormant…

  • How can the days getting longer benefits T’ai Chi?

    How can the days getting longer benefits T’ai Chi?

    As April unfolds and daylight extends its reach, the natural awakening of the season can profoundly enhance the practice of T’ai Chi: In essence, the lengthening days of April serve as a catalyst for a profound natural awakening, enriching the practice of T’ai Chi with vitality, harmony, and a deep sense of connection to the…

  • Year of the Dragon Tai Chi course

    Year of the Dragon Tai Chi course

    Join us to welcome in the Chinese New Year of the Dragon for a weekend of Tai Chi and Traditional Tai Chi weapons including Stick, Sword, Silk and Fan. Tai Chi – Saturday February 10th 2024 Tai Chi Weapons – Sunday February 11th 2024, 10 a.m to 4 p.m Book now… Introduction to the Dragon in Chinese…

  • Free YouTube lessons

    Free YouTube lessons

    Welcome to Our Daily Training YouTube Playlists Embark on a journey of self-improvement with our diverse range of options: Video Quality Options Playlist Durations Playlist Contents Stay Informed Awakening Your Qi Just as the lotus flower unfurls with the rising sun, you can awaken your energy daily through our Qigong and Tai Chi program. We…

  • What are the benefits of practicing T’ai Chi outside, in the open air, on the summer solstice?

    What are the benefits of practicing T’ai Chi outside, in the open air, on the summer solstice?

    Practicing Lee style T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, in the open air on the summer solstice can offer several benefits: Remember to take necessary precautions when practicing T’ai Chi outdoors, such as wearing appropriate clothing, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from excessive sun exposure. Enjoy the experience and let the harmonizing effects of…

  • Will practicing Lee style Kung Fu benefit my T’ai Chi

    Will practicing Lee style Kung Fu benefit my T’ai Chi

    Practicing Lee style Kung Fu, as taught by Chee Soo, can certainly have a positive impact on your overall martial arts abilities and physical fitness. While T’ai Chi and Lee style Kung Fu are distinct martial arts with different training methods and principles, there are potential benefits that can be derived from cross-training or incorporating…

  • Do the different seasons affect the way we do Lee Style T’ai Chi

    Do the different seasons affect the way we do Lee Style T’ai Chi

    According to the teachings of Chee Soo, the founder of Lee Style T’ai Chi, the different seasons can indeed have an impact on the practice of T’ai Chi. Chee Soo emphasized the importance of aligning our practice with the natural rhythms and changes in the environment. In Lee Style T’ai Chi, there is an understanding…

  • What are the benefits  of practicing  T’ai Chi outside

    What are the benefits of practicing T’ai Chi outside

    Practicing the Lee Style of T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, can benefit you regardless of whether you are training indoors or outdoors. T’ai Chi is a martial art and a form of exercise that focuses on slow, flowing movements and deep breathing. It is designed to promote physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual…

  • How does T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, help us to cope with the stresses and strains of modern living?

    How does T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, help us to cope with the stresses and strains of modern living?

    The Lee Style of T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, can be beneficial in helping us deal with the stresses and strains of modern living in several ways: Overall, the Lee Style of T’ai Chi, as taught by Chee Soo, offers a holistic approach to managing the stresses and strains of modern living. It…